One of the biggest advantages that our company has to show is constant product stock.Through the range of approximately 21,000 different codes, our customers feel confident that they can find any product they are looking for anytime, which maximizes the competitiveness of their stores.
Updates on the availability of the products are made by the call center or the Internet (online) service provided by our company.
Our priority is immediate satisfaction of your needs.
In the unlikely event that one of the products claimed in order is not available if you wish we get right back to you with the information. We propose a similar product which is available in order to directly satisfy your need.
In case of not having similar product to satisfy your need you will be informed of the delivery time of the product of your interest. The products that are unavailable are being ordered from us and are expected as soon as possible. If you think that this waiting time is all right for you the product is kept as a backorder and as soon as we have it available we contact you.
One of the most important points of order preparation process is the correct and fast collection of products from the shelves.
When the order of the client is finalized, professional staff collects the products in the respective amounts of the highly organized and structured shelves of our company’s warehouses. After the collection of the products orders are placed in a specially designed area for inspection.
This critical point of control is a momentous piece of the functional procedure of our company.
Experienced staff, with the help of modern information storage and computer management systems, checks the accuracy of the products that have been collected.
The placement of the goods after their collection, into distribution boxes is for our company a coherent system of its preparation for shipment.
Our goal is the protection and wholeness of the goods during transportation.Modern packaging methods are used with reliable materials.
Our expert team ensures strong package, knowing that the risks are increased in the most sensitive products in connection with the destination distance.